Medicinal Plants with antioxidant Potential: A review.
Hygeia.J.D.Med.6 (1) 2014; 106-110.
Khaled Rashed
Pharmacognosy Department, National Research Centre,Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Article History: Received: 14 November 2013, revised: 20 December 2014, accepted: 11 January 2014, Available online: 3April 2014
Plan: This review deals with the antioxidant potential of somemedicinal plants.
Methodology: Plants contain a wide variety of free radical scavenging molecules,such as polyphenols, dietary glutathione, vitamins and endogenous metabolites.An attempt hasbeen made in this review to identify the major medicinal plants withantioxidant activity.
Outcome: We Provide information concerning the complete profile of 18selected medicinal plants on their antioxidant activity.
Keywords: Medicinal plants,antioxidant activity, phytochemicals.
For Correspondence: khalednabih2015@yahoo.co.uk
Contact: 01003642233
Rid: J-3090-2013
Citation: Khaled Rashed.Medicinal Plants with antioxidant Potential: A review. Hygeia.J.D.Med2014;6(1):106-110. Available from http://www.hygeiajournal.com / Article ID- Hygeia.J.D.Med/127/14. DOI:10.15254/H.J.D.Med.6.2014.127.
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