Phytochemical Analysis and Histology of Strychnos potatorum L. Seeds
Hygeia.J.D.Med.6 (2) 2014;17-24.
Shanti Bhushan Mishra1 and M. Vijayakumar 2
1. Department of Pharmacognosy, United Institute of Pharmacy, Allahabad, India 211010
2. The Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore, India
Plan: To evaluate the Pharmacognostic properties including physico chemical characters and HPTLC profile of seeds of Strychnos potatorum L.
Methodology: Micro and macroscopic characters of fresh and dried seed samples were analyzed. Physicochemical studies, fluorescent behavior of seeds and estimation of Quercetin by HPTLC were performing by using standard procedure.
Outcome: Microscopic studies revealed that testa comprises two different region: the outer region consists shrunken parenchyma and inner is trichome zone with dense trichomes occur very close to each other. Calcium oxalate prismatic crystals arefrequently seen. Physicochemical parameters such as foreign matters, moisturecontent, extractive values, ash content, and fluorescent behavior of seed powder were also determined. This report on the pharmacognostic studies of S.potatorum may help investigators, in the characterization of the crude drug andto screen pharmacological activities of this species.
Key words: Strychnos potatorum, HPTLC, Phytochemical and Pharmacognostic screening, Quercetin
Received: 6 April 2014, Revised: 14 June 2014, Accepted: 25 2014, Available online: 2 October 201
Shanti Bhushan Mishra and M. Vijayakumar. Phytochemical analysis and histology of Strychnos potatorum L. seeds. Hygeia.J.D.Med 2014; 6(2):17-24. Available from http://www.hygeiajournal.com / Article ID-Hygeia.J.D.Med/132/14. doi:10.15254 /H.J.D.Med.6.2014.132.
ShantiBhushan Mishra , Department of Pharmacognosy, United Institute of Pharmacy, Allahabad, India 211010
Email: shantipharma15@gmail.com
Fax 91(0532) 2687142
Seeds of Strychnos potatorum

Photograph of chromatograms obtained, at 368 nm, from Quercetin standard (A) and
extract (B) of the seeds of Strychnos potatorum