Hygeia journal for Drugs and Medicines


Newer Antiplatelet agents in Cardiovascular disease

Hygeia.J.D.Med 2015; 7(2):28-33.

SijiMP, K. Krishna Kumar, K. Jayapraksah, L. Panayappan*

Department of pharmacy practice, St James College of PharmaceuticalSciences, Chalakudy, Kerala
St James Hospital Trust Pharmaceutical Research Centre, Chalakudy,Kerala

Corresponding author email: stjamesdruginfo@gmail.com 

Plan: Antiplatelet drugs are the cornerstone in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. They remain the mainstay in preventing aberrant platelet activation in pathophysiological conditions like myocardial infarction, ischemia and stroke.

Preface: According to consensus guidelines, early revascularization and intensive antiplatelet therapy are keyto reducing the complication that arises from myocardial ischemia and the recurrence of cardiovascular events. The different anti-platelets are aspirin,clopidogrel, ticagrelor, elinogrel, ticlopidine. Effective antagonism of the  P2Y12 platelet receptor is central to the treatment of acutecoronary syndrome. Limitations in safety, efficacy and tolerability haveprecluded many of the antiplatelet inhibitors from

use in patients. Unforeseen incidences of increased bleeding risk andrecurrent arterial thrombosis observed in patients have hampered thedevelopment of superior next generation antiplatelet therapies.


Outcome: The effective antiplatelettherapy is important for the acute and secondary prevention of cardiovasculardisease. The newer antiplatelet agents will reduce the limitation of thecurrent therapy.

Keywords: Platelet aggregation inhibitors, blood platelets

Article citation 

Siji MP, K. Krishna Kumar, K.Jayapraksah, L. Panayappan. Newer Antiplatelet Agents in CardiovascularDisease. Hygeia.J.D.Med 2015;7(2):28-33. Available from http://www.hygeiajournal.com / Article ID-Hygeia.J.D.Med/148/15.   DOI: 10.15254/H.J.D.Med.7.2015.148.


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